Launch of M3dicube Newcastle

M3dicube launched its first medical school society ‘branch’ in Newcastle on the 4th of October medical freshers’ fair, obtaining a decent number of student sign-ups from all stages. While the official events calendar is still a work in progress, plans are in place to hold monthly workshops/talks on a wide variety of topics, all pertinent to 3D printing in medical education and training. This includes talks on the applications of 3D printing in medicine and teaching techniques to generate ready-to-print .stl files using open-source software. With what promises to be an exciting line-up of events ahead, M3dicube hopes to generate interest amongst students and to inspire them to carry this concept of 3D printing in medical education to greater heights. Watch this space for our upcoming events!

PS: As a new society, M3dicube Newcastle is not yet ratified with the university therefore membership remains open and free to all students and staff of Newcastle University. For more information or to sign up, please contact us via facebook or e-mail us at!